Who's a good Boy?

Hello... everyone and new friends and followers,

I am so glad you all stopped by with the "Top Ten Music - Blog-fest" I am still stopping by those who submitted their own list.  It was a huge success for Alex @ "" over 100+ blogs got involved, bravo to him.

Now you all know I have a Blog-fest going on with the lovely Ellie @ "" ours is called "Top Ten Horror/Science Fiction Movie Quotes" and is located at the top of both of our sites. Please check it out and please add your name, and share your favorites.

I am working on a few sites that I maintain and creating a couple of new ones, I am wanting to be the blog mogul of the world. No really I am just trying to get my "art and design" and obtain some work and share my abilities with those who need it. If you would like to take a look please do here is the list of places I have my hands in, please stop in and say hello...

So if you need anything that I can offer, please let me know...I will be sitting waiting.

Have A Great Day!


  1. And it was a rockin' good music blogfest!
    Looks like you've acquired a few more for the quotes fest. Looking forward to that one.

  2. Already signed up for the horror/sci fi movie quotes fest. :) Looking forward to it. Alex's blogfest was great fun.

  3. Hey! Glad to see you spreading your charm and your talent too.


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.