So as the world keeps changing, so do things die and sometimes in a good way. I have a question, I have been designing a great amount of shirt designs over the last two years and finally got to a point where I have to leap. I will be a very small small small fish in a giant internet pond, but I need to really get on the 50% of a positive side of my life. Recently I worked with the "BLOGGING FROM A TO Z" as I have in the past, designing the items they need. This year I changed my direction of how to offer the yearly "shirt" design and used "AMAZON" instead of the regular place where I offer my shirts. It was a better price for those who got a shirt and I got a little taste of my "Artsy" future.. I needed that.
So offering shirts can be tricky, you need to find a "niche", a ".com" store and I was going to be using "BEING RETRO" as above. Tearing the name off making this again just the original blogging site "I LOVE ZOMBIES", you might remember if was all pink and black. This site will be attached to the store and will feature updates, giveaways and me hopefully back for daily posts.
So I am asking, do you all have any advice or suggestions to help, maybe something for a little kick of motivation? I am going to reach out to some for help, if I haven't burned my bridges. I know I have been talking about doing this for sometime, since my breakup I have found it very difficult to recover and life can be too short. I am tired of being too short, I wanna go back to being a weird... wild... out there. thank you everyone.
-Jeremy [Retro]
I am everywhere: TWITTER, FACEBOOK, HWR: SIX STRINGS MAGAZINE and HBA [HORROR SITES]. Last visit MY T-SHIRTS STORE at NEATORAMA something always going on and it is one click away!