Midwest Anime Convention [2012]
Use a large bar glass.
1 spoonful of sugar.
5 or 6 dashes of lemon juice.
1 fresh egg.
Fill the glass with fine ice, and the balance
with water.
Shake well with a shaker, strain into a
large thin glass, and serve.
A very refreshing beverage, containing
considerable nutrition, and entirely without a
vestige of alcohol.
Use a small china mug.
1/2 teaspoonful of the beef extract.
Fill the mug with hot water, put in little
salt and pepper to suit taste, and serve with a spoon.
On a cold, blustry day the above is unsurpassed
for warming the system and imparting
strength and vigor to the entire body
without the aid of any alcoholic ingredients.
Drinks that sound disgusting... yet real drinks from my book "Bartenders' Encyclopedia" (1903) if you like these I can share some more yummy concoctions. More photos from the Midwest Anime Convention coming soon... this was just some cool cats hanging.
Also it's the first "Howlin' Wolf Records" Giveaway and I need all your support by entering by clicking the thingy above. I have been working over there a lot lately and have some really cool things coming up, which will also include more prizes. Don't make me beg... I am getting some great numbers of visits, not a lot of comments... so I am smiling ear to ear... and you know it's hard with the scars... You want to know how I got these scars...
-Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]