Set in New Jersey, revolves around a family that has relocated to a gated townhouse community called "Hidden Hills". Upon their arrival, they discover that the entire community is populated by residents from another planet. These aliens have adopted, as their own, the names of sport celebrities, receive nourishment through their eyes and mind by reading books rather than eating, and cry out green goo from their ears. Since the aliens have assumed human form, they can also revert to their original appearances by clapping their hands above their heads. They have been stuck on Earth for 10 years, still awaiting instructions to return home.
Watching this on a whim, now we are watching weekly... something about it makes it more human than humans should be.
-Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
My daughter loves the neighbours. I enjoy it too actually. The daughter in it is pretty cool
ReplyDeleteDon't think I've ever watched that show. Green ooze might be a giveaway.
ReplyDeleteLove Tears for Fears
ReplyDeleteNever seen that show but Everybody wants to rule the world is one of my absolute favorites!
ReplyDeleteMy wife started watching this on Netflix, I think. She never said whether she liked it, or not so I'll have to get her take on it.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good one to try now that Eureka is sad, but at least they ended it! I hate it when shows just get cut say Firefly! Not that I'm holding a grudge or anything...
ReplyDeleteSaw them in concert in 1985 at Red Rocks Amphitheater. It's an amazing outdoor place with huge um, red rock formations. Being a music guy, you've probably heard of it...
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
I have never heard of this one!
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, The Neighbors is actually a very good show.
The Neighbors is inspired genius.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like something I'd like - a bit like third rock from the sun? With John Lithgow and Jane Curtin.
ReplyDeleteThat was another great show. I guess you could say it has the same type of humor, but it's very different in other ways. They are both my two favorite sitcoms. :)
Delete#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
Haven't seen this either, but it looks interesting.
ReplyDeleteSome people actually got angry at me for liking this, but I think it's absolutely hilarious! It's one of my favorite sitcoms ever!
ReplyDelete#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
I think I may live in that neighborhood in Jersey--although I think of them more as robots or Stepford wives :P
ReplyDeleteShow sounds fun--thanks!
:) Pen
Visiting from A to Z:
I haven't heard about that show.
ReplyDeleteThe song however was a nice little eighties flash back.