K - Knight Rider [2008]

Knight Rider was a 2008 series that follows the 1982 TV series of the same title and the 2008 television movie. The series stars Justin Bruening as Mike Traceur, the estranged son of Michael Knight. The series also stars Deanna Russo as Sarah Graiman, Traceur's former girlfriend and love interest. Sarah is the daughter of Charles Graiman. Graiman is played by Bruce Davison, the creator of a new generation of KITT (Knight Industries Three Thousand), voiced by Val Kilmer. The series was in production for just one season.

I am kidding outside the premier and first episode... it was a stinker, I just want to see if you are paying attention?
-Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]


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  1. Yeah, I didn't make it past the first episode.

  2. I enjoyed the TV movie but skipped the series.

  3. Ugh. So many things wrong with that reboot - it did, however, make the cheesy Knight Rider 2000 movie seem just a little better. :)

  4. I was a fan of the original series. I even got my KITT. The new one I never saw it.

  5. oh, Zombie Master, RUNNING UP THAT HILL is one of my all time faves! Did you hear the WITHIN TEMPTATION cover of it with bagpipes? Love that one too!

  6. The original series was great with an A-Team chaser. That was the golden age of goofy TV. They should have had the Hoff play the voice of the car - it could have been kitch instead of crap, which the reboot was. Kate's song is great but check out the video for Placebo's version....very cool.

  7. I struggled through a few episodes of this....ugh!

    I remember them making a big deal over Val Kilmer voicing K.I.T.T, as well.

  8. Thank goodness, I was worried there for a second. LOL I wanted so much to like it too... and then it had to go and suck.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

  9. Phew.
    I though there was going to be an intervention followed by some beatings with the butter sock.



  10. Hated the first one...never bothered to try this one. Yes, totally paying attention, even if I' late ;-)

    I'm a pantser. Which I find really weird since I'm a control freak, take charge, plan ahead kind of girl, but my novel just sorta...happened. I have no idea how it ends, so I'm excited about that, but as to having time to write on it...I think the last time was NaNo...
    Personally, the losing steam part is more in the area of holy #$%^ how will I ever return visit all these comments, while checking my list, while visiting my regulars...sigh.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  11. OOPS. You got DLs comment, too. It wouldn't publish, so I copied it, and forgot, and thought I was pasting just my signature...sigh...yup, a bit overwhelmed...

  12. I loved Knight Rider. As a kid it was such a cool show, what with the talking car and riding up into the semi all the time. Too cool for words back then.

  13. Yeah this was a terrible show. At first I thought you were nuts, but then I read to the end. ;)


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.