So I Tumble 4 Ya! on a Saturday...

First, I am here on a Saturday, cause it is raining and I cannot shoot or run around outside... not that I cannot it's still like 95 degrees. So another quick thing I am on Tumblr "" and I have no idea what I am doing as of yet and I will try to keep up with it best I can. I know you all here me bitching on how strapped for time I am now, but I like it over there and I will be killing off some of the sites that don't draw attention.

Second, more "Zombie and Assholes" 21 q's interviews going up, soon a great composer [click on banner below] and finally a last minute entry with the music video I worked on. Producers made a 3 minute behind the scene making of post and I must have missed it.

Third I am sending out my book to a few close friends that have graciously offered to look at it, now I asked them not to really review it just to give me some thoughts. I hope to make it available to the rest of the world sometime in August. Found out they are filming the next "Superman" film near me so I thought I might try to get on set, but not to get thrown off it...

Harpo Saturday Everyone!
-Jeremy [iZombie]


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.