AnnaLynne McCord Is A Hot Splash...

Summer turns me upside down, like a merry-go-round!

So I had all these photos of "AnnaLynne McCord" from the set of up coming season of 90210, I think this woman is hot really hot [I mean it]. Someone on the set must have decided to cool her off, if they are not careful she may turn green and become enraged. I got these series of photos [respect to the photographer] cause I thought she might make a great zombie candidate for my "iZombie shop", but thought it would be nicer in the series represented.

-Jeremy [iZombie]


  1. so many crazy expressions!! lol.

  2. Those are awesome. She makes a most excellent zombie, green or no. The original 90210 was my #1 1990s guilty pleasure, and so out of respect for Brandon Walsh & co. I cannot allow myself to watch what is surely just a trashy shadow of the only 90210 for me.

  3. She definitely has her zombie expressions on. You should take one and zombitize it and see what happens.


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.