The Transformers was an 80-issue American comic book series published by Marvel Comics telling the story of the Transformers. Originally scheduled as a four issue mini-series, it spawned a mythology that would inform other versions of the saga. It also had a UK sister title that spliced in original stories into the continuity, running for 332 issues.
Transformers came after my time, so never got into the comic. The movies have been mostly enjoyable,
ReplyDeleteMy brother had the toys but never got in to them, as Alex said the movies weren't too bad,
ReplyDeleteQuestion remains, is the comic more enjoyable than the cheesy cartoon series?
ReplyDeleteA-Z Challenge at Father Nature's Corner
I didn't like the cartoon movie that much, but I dug that music video!
ReplyDeleteI remember those comics - Marvel was all over the tie-ins back then.
ReplyDeleteI never read the comics, but spent a lot of time with the toys and TV show. A classic.
ReplyDeleteHey Jeremy - You won a prize over at the Manor.
ReplyDeleteAwesome movie and loved that song....still do!
ReplyDeleteNever got much into the comics, but used to watch the cartoon every morning.
I watched the cartoons growing up. I always liked them best as the cars. The movies have been so-so.
ReplyDeleteI guess we will have to see how Marky-Mark does in the new one.