Frankenstein Friday...

Frankenstein, Jr. and the Impossibles was an American Saturday morning cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1966. It premiered on September 10, 1966, and ran for two seasons.

The program contained two segments, which each served as a middle ground between Hanna-Barbera's traditional cartoon early output and its superhero-based late-1960s cartoons.

    Frankenstein, Jr.: Taking place in Civic City, boy scientist Buzz Conroy (voiced by Dick Beals) and his father Professor Conroy (voiced by John Stephenson) fight supervillains with the aid of a powerful heroic robot named "Frankenstein Jr." (voiced by Ted Cassidy). "Frankie", as Buzz usually referred to him, was more than a little reminiscent of the title character in Gigantor. Buzz built "Frankie" and activated him through an energy ring.

I sort of remember this one, but not like I should... how about you?
-Jeremy [Retro]


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  1. Great post about Frankenstein, where I reside Mary Shelley's son bought a Manor when he was alive to renovate it for his then ailing mother. Sadly she passed away before it was finished. The Shelley's are buried in our local church. The Manor is now a health centre and the theatre that was there in the days of Percy Shelly Jnr. is still there today giving performances.

  2. I could watch Young Frankenstein all day..
    I vaguely remember Frankenstein Jr. I was living outside of the country at the time, so don't think I saw it in its first run.

  3. Memories...I have none!
    It looks familiar but that is about it.

  4. why is that horrid woman wearing a poor fox corpse around her neck??? Oh, how I despise people who kill animals for fashion......

  5. I totally remember these guys! I still think an Impossibles live-action show would work! Thanks for he memories Jeremy.

  6. Young Frankenstein is one of my favorites. Abby Normal...classic.

  7. A fun post! You gave me a needed smile. Thanks

  8. Don't remember this, but looks fun. Off to watch the blooper video!

  9. Young Frankenstein. Truly one of the best.


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.