Have you Met... Vixen Vintage

A great stumble as I am out looking for some of the greatest sites out there and today I wanted you to meet Solanah of "Vixen Vintage". She recently had a post of herself in a vintage Super Girl outfit and if you know me you know I love anything Superman related. I know I am working on bring you a "Man of Steel" June up and to the new film release. 

Well I do what I do and asked her if it was okay to use one of her images for me to add some art/design, she said yes... I am thrilled. She is a doll, in a fashion vixen way... So here is my take on her wonderful photo and if you would like please take a stop over and say "Hello"!  I ask you "Have you Met... Vixen Vintage"?

Much Respect to her and a thanks to Cal of "Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness" for his great finds across the world.
-Jeremy [Retro]


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  1. I've not met Solanah! Nice job with her photo.

  2. How is it I've never stumbled across Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness? As a fellow Canuck, I am appalled at my own lack of coolness by association. Must make up for lost time!

  3. it sure is cool under the willow trees today, Jeremy!

  4. I love the vintage, retro look. For art only, not for real world wearing, those clothes were harsh. ;)

  5. I really like her outfit in that second picture.

    Hi Jeremy. I hope you're well. Sorry it's taken me so long to stop by and tell you that.


  6. I really appreciate this wonderful image that you have provided for us.Thanks for sharing this image awesome post......
    retro clothing


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.