Anime Central (ACen) is Chicago’s and the Midwest’s largest anime, manga and Japanese popular culture convention. The convention is currently held in Rosemont, IL, less than 30 minutes from downtown Chicago.
As part of its mission, ACen brings fans together with guests from the Japanese and US sectors of the anime and manga industry, as well as gaming, cinema, and Asian culture personalities. The event includes a huge exhibit hall, a massive video game room, concerts, dances, educational panels and workshops, premiere screenings, autograph sessions, 24-hour video rooms, tabletop gaming and much, much more!
Attendees can attend a dance with 5,000 of their favorite friends and cheer while amazing DJs spin, enjoy an incredible concert, or visit the largest artist’s alley found in any US anime convention.
For More Details:
Anime Central
I cannot believe it's all ready here, I am set are you set Chicago and surrounding suburbs?Guess who is going to this weekend, yes I know "Star Trek: Into the Darkness" is starting... I am going to work around it. So stayed tuned to this and "Howlin' Wolf" for all the coverage, you know I love a good cos-play!
-Jeremy [Retro-Z]
Check out the latest reviews, music and scores/soundtracks at Howlin' Wolf Records: OLM or find the latest horror sites over at Horror Blogger Alliance. Or last but not least visit My NEATORAMA Store at Jeremy Hawkins there is always something going on and it is one click away!
The Con only happens once a year - go!!
ReplyDeleteI've never been a huge fan of anime conventions, but this one looks pretty good!