Anime Central: PHOTO GALA Part: One

This is just what is said... I am so glad to be able to bring the first part to you, late. More to come! I wanted to thank Stephen Scott Photography for capturing the great moments. I also would like to take a look at our video for our coverage for Howlin' Wolf of artist Yukino.

Kind of made them look like trading cards, sorry for the long post of photos.
-Jeremy [Retro]


Check out the latest reviews, music and scores/soundtracks at Howlin' Wolf Records: OLM or find the latest horror sites over at Horror Blogger Alliance. Or last but not least visit My NEATORAMA Store at Jeremy Hawkins there is always something going on and it is one click away!


  1. Wow great pixs! I wonder how much gel and hairspray the woman went through to make her pigtails stay that way?
    Love the zombie animation at the bottom of the screen!

  2. Some really unique costumes! The giant creature in the middle is wicked. And of course the guitar caught my attention. (That shouldn't surprise you.)

  3. incredible costumes! theatrical people!
    my fave is the giant curled ponytails!

  4. I want a Thor helmet myself! Would look lovely on my bone structure :)

  5. The postcards look great Jeremy! Those female Avengers look familiar, so I wonder if they visited Arizona last weekend?

  6. I would like the Jack Sparrow costume just for fun. :D

  7. Some great looking cosplay there and seeing someone dressed as King Candy just goes to show you that nothing is out of bounds when it comes to cosplaying :)


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.