Many of the Italian horror films still haunt me and many of the British witch-hunt films from the late sixties and early seventies... scar'd me.
So for a film that scares me... I sadly cannot remember the title, though I can tell you the scene I recall. A woman was hanging upside on a board in a hallway with the moonlight peering in a window to reveal her naked body. Though a layer of her skin had been peeled off and someone covered her in a paint lacquer from head to toe. She couldn't scream and she was still alive... the film was this house where the people were tortured and they could not get out. Somewhere in the late 70's, anyone ever hear/see this? Now it was a image I see once in awhile and my parents tell me that it was a dream and they wouldn't let me watch something so horrid.
Oh my childhood leads me to the life I live... no not in horror!
-Jeremy [Retro]
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I don't know you're one at all but "The Cat and the Canary" when I was younger scared the shit out of me!
ReplyDeleteDon't remember the one you described, but Phantasm unnerved me when I was younger.
ReplyDeleteIn movies it's Waxworks. In shorts it's the Twilight Zone's episode with William Shatner about a monster on an airliner's wing. Don't ask me why. I was a child when I saw them and never watched them again except in my dreams.
ReplyDeleteI don't do scary movies. They literally make me throw up. I had a friend who insisted on trying this out, saying I was a grown-up now and ridiculous and had me watch some classic horror movie whose name (not surprisingly) escapes me. I threw up.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, I have no idea what movie you're talking about.
Tina @ Life is Good
yep, and that original horror black and white film in which people were made into wax dolls while still alive...... couldn't sleep as a kid thanks to it....
ReplyDeleteThe Amazing Mr Blunden (1972) - it's a kids film that my gran took me to see at the cinema (I must have been six) and there's a massive fire in a Victorian house as a centrepiece to the film. To this day I can't watch this film and I have an unhealthy fear of fire.
ReplyDeleteIt's probably a totally harmless film in adults eyes - and I love horror movies - but this one got in there early and it got in deep!
original nightmare on elm street
ReplyDeletemay not seem scary to the desensitized youth of today... and i dont watch horror, dont like that feeling! too much of a realist!
That is indeed an unnerving, scary scene. I was very young when I watched John Carpenter's PRINCE OF DARKNESS so it hit me harder than it would have as an adult.
ReplyDeleteThe derelict, played by Alice Cooper, laying in the alley with the ants crawling over his face shivered me. And the end when the hero awakens to find his love in Hell, lying beside him covered in pus and blood -- brrrr! I had nightmares about that scene for months!!
When I was a kid, I saw a Japanese movie called The H-Man and could not sleep all night for fear of the slime climbing the wall and falling on me to devour me. I've seen it again as an adult and slept fine afterwards, but I still found it fairly good. The movies that scared me silly and cost me sleep as an adult were The Grudge, American and Japanese versions. You'd think I'd know better by now.
ReplyDeleteDrat! I was going to say "Showgirls!" In all honesty I can say the group "K.I.S.S." literally terrified me. When the commercials for "KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park" came on I ran and hid behind the curtains.
ReplyDeleteTHe movie that scared me the most and the reason why I said "Absolutely NO" to horror movies was called "El despertar del diablo." Couldn't sleep for days.
ReplyDeleteWish I could help you figure your film out, but I can't. Hmm the ones that scared me the most back when I was a kid were Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street. Then, I discovered the Halloween series...oh yeah...Michael Myers still scares the crap out of me. Good luck figuring out your mystery movie. :)
ReplyDeleteYour movie sounds vaguely familiar, although I'm wondering if it was a Tales from the Crypt episode. It did make me go back and look up a movie that scared the bejeebus outta me when I was a kid. I watched a lot of old classic horror movies (think Vincent Price/Roger Corman movies) but it was a made for TV movie that gave me nightmares. I remember this movie about a doll that came to life and tried to kill its owner, with images of a stove and a bathtub coming to mind. Google brought up ABC's "Trilogy of Terror" and the "Amelia" segment is exactly what I was remembering. Scared the crap outta me. Nightmares for weeks. Can't believe mom let me watch it.