Don't Get Caught Taking Photos or It's Comic Con Jail for YOU!

Not bad for being 200 feet away!

Yeah, I know I am being stared at by the Captain, I think he called security... I kid you, he just was answering
a question in my direction.
Okay a couple of the coolest actors on the planet and I am not even going to tell you who they are... in fact you tell me who they are. Winners get the knowing that you don't live under a rock, but you may have a geek spill on your shirt... I kid. Great shows they gave off, sad thing unless you wanted to pay an arm and a leg or even wait in a three hour line. These are the kind of photos you can get.

They were not DICKS... nope they were just in DEMAND!
-Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]

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  1. It's the awesome Bruce Campbell and Patrick Stewart! (At least I really hope so on the first one. He looks heavier in Burn Notice.)

  2. Alex gave the answers up first. Though the first guy looks like Victor in the Soap opera, Days of Our Lives.

  3. I'm a big fan of Patrick Stewart. He would be great to see in person.

    I'm starting to think that many cultural type events are getting priced out of the hands of most average citizens. . .

    Thanks for sharing the photos!

  4. Nice sharp photos. My camera sucks at taking photos of people from a distance.

  5. Campbell always looks cool, but your pic makes him look cooler. In demand yes.

  6. I'd curtsey and bow in front of Patrick Stewart!

  7. Bruce in a white suit? Never thought I'd see the day! He looks good.

  8. I am sad you aren't going to the Con; I was hoping to live vicariously through your adventures! However, very cool that Campbell and Stewart were there last year. I admit that I have no idea who all these ladies are, but I know these two guys!


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.