Pee-wee Herman is a comic fictional character created and portrayed by American comedian Paul Reubens. He is best known for his two television series and film series during the 1980s. The childlike Pee-wee Herman character developed as a stage act that quickly led to an HBO special in 1981. As the stage performance gained further popularity, Reubens took the character to motion picture with Pee-wee's Big Adventure in 1985, toning down the adult innuendo for the appeal of children. This paved the way for Pee-wee's Playhouse, an Emmy Award winning children's series that ran on CBS from 1986-1991. Another film, Big Top Pee-wee, was released in 1988. If you would like you can share this, download it and upload it as a photo... it will do the rest on it's own...
Hopefully you were able to stop over to the "MUSE" for the tour, well if not... then I must tell you to go now... what are you waiting for?
-Jeremy [Retro]
I am everywhere: TWITTER, FACEBOOK, HOWLIN’ WOLF: OLM and HBA [HORROR SITES]. Last visit MY T-SHIRTS STORE at NEATORAMA something always going on and it is one click away!-------------------------
Remember the aluminum foil ball? I recall watching this show...not so much because it was all that funny...mostly because it irritated my mom. Sweet kid huh? :D
ReplyDeleteI visited your stop yesterday! Is there a prize for visiting all of them on the tour?
ReplyDeleteReubens was also in Batman Returns in a very small role.
I remember watching Pee-wee's Big Adventure about a million times and never stopped laughing.
ReplyDeletein other news, I hear it's 45*C today at the Balkans...
ReplyDeleteWhen you say Pee-Wee Herman, I think movie theater scandal. Great picture! Did take it. Is that your wife?
ReplyDeleteTina @ Life is Good
The first movie literally had me in tears of laughter, but Big Top Pee-Wee just didn't have the magic. Awesome gif for my favorite scene.
ReplyDeleteYou are a famous man, now, Jeremy -- as is poor Pee-Wee Herman but for tragic reasons. Have high sales! Roland
ReplyDeletehaha why do you have a picture of Gary Oldman (my 2nd favorite actor ever!) and Natalie Portman from the Professional? I'm confused...
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite scene in any movie comedy. "I SAY WE STOMP, THEN WE TATTOO HIM, THEN WE HANG HIM, AND THEN WE KILL HIM."