Missing Monday or Who are you thinking about, right now?

So early on in the start of 2014, I asked my self... what am I missing from 2013. Last year I tried to start of with things I wanted to see from films to sharing a over 200,000 photos I have been collecting. I thought hey why not try to do that again, but I cannot afford films like before and you all might get bored rummaging in my mental closet of things I see to have been important enough to get. 

So I thought if you could tell us, what you are missing from 2013 it could be a tv show cancelled, a group you love... broke up, a favorite drink pulled from a menu, a favorite t-shirt finally fell apart, a friend, a blog, etc.
-Jeremy [Retro]


I am everywhere: TWITTER, FACEBOOK, HOWLIN’ WOLF: OLM and HBA [HORROR SITES]. Last visit MY T-SHIRTS STORE at NEATORAMA something always going on and it is one click away!


  1. I do have a couple Rush shirts that have seen better days...
    The show Eureka ended, but that was 2012.
    My series ended. As i struggle with a new character, I am definitely missing Byron...

  2. I will miss the year that I lost in waiting for better life to happen :(

  3. We lost some great actors in 2013, but we did get some awesome Doctor Who episodes.

  4. I will miss Matt Smith as the Doctor, but can't wait to see Peter Capaldi!


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.