Countdown to the Man of Steel: Secret Identity

Just a fun thing to think that Clark Kent was able to fool/deceive everyone around him for so long, but it's easier to think it might just be us wanting to believe in something outside of our own boring lives.

Here is a great art from Mike Jacobsen entitled "Where's Clark" you should check out his other works [HERE], some really great stuff...
-Jeremy [Retro]


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  1. In desperate times people will always look for hope.

  2. I agree that keeping his identity a secret would've been impossible.
    One more week, Jeremy!!!

  3. he he he hilarious cartoons!

  4. That cartoon is so cute! At least he fooled someone with the hair Jeremy.

  5. I read a comic where he used super-hypnosis to fool the people looking at him -- wouldn't have helped with the photos of him though!! :-)

  6. Oh, maybe that was why he wore his underwear on the outside of his pants -- everyone was too busy looking at that to notice his face much!

  7. Clark Kent is on everyone's favourite social 'notworking' site, 'Farceook'? I'll put in a friend request.

    The release date in the UK is June 14, 2013. Hopefully, I can get a green light before then...

    A good weekend to you, Jeremy.

    Gary :)

  8. I truly cannot wait for this film!

  9. Great cartoon. Lois and Clark explored the whole "how can we be so galactic-ally stupid not to notice the man behind the glasses" very well, in my opinion. Fun show.
    Tina @ Life is Good


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.