I Found My Special Purpose!

Well, there is a lot going on... and the biggest is this might be the end. First I love this place, but I am getting a little burned out... I have been thinking to somehow combine all of my joys into one place. I am trying to move away from the whole "I am a Zombie" thing, it was my staple in the beginning and now it's some come looking for. Don't get me wrong "HAVE YOU GOOGLED" yourself lately... I found this site was at the top of the list [HAPPY] that is a plus...

I have started a new hidden site, that I might be moving all the works to... or might be changing this site to fit that need... this is the great thing about blogging, we can change. Though would you still follow me, would even like the new face of what is too come? These are questions that have been building in my forever swirling head, I might even grab a new audience.

So if you find your special purpose in life do you wait or do you jump on it while it's HOT? I think we all need change in this ever growing world, it is the fear that is hidden behind the door that prevents us from knocking... dammit I say "Knock, Knock"...

This is a lot and I hate having really long posts, but I have been on the outside looking in... Last thing, have you all been over to my t-shirt store at "Neatorama"... I have a bunch of new designs that have great dark and scientific theme... one thing for sure I will never be short of promoting my goods/design/art...

So dream of a world you want to live in, dream out loud!
-Jeremy [Retro]


Check out the latest reviews, music and scores/soundtracks at Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine or find the latest horror sites over at Horror Blogger Alliance. Or last but not least visit My NEATORAMA Store at [Retro-Zombie] there is always something going on and it is one click away!


  1. Jeremy, I would follow you no matter what changes you made. What you have to say is of interest to me and I don't follow just anyone.

    I made a few changes of my blog over the years including splitting my current blog into two like you. Yes there is a bleed over of followers, but a host of new followers in both.

    I've also changed the format of one blog yearly depending on my needs and time. Good luck in whatever you decide but don't leave us hanging. Announce it here.

  2. Dude, you know I'd follow you anywhere! You're my best blogger buddy and a good friend.
    Working on my collection of shirts. The dragon one is really cool. My wife really liked it.

  3. we shall follow you, Zombie Master (although we'd accept some bribe too :ppp

  4. I'm interested in all sort of things, so post away...I'll be here to read :)

  5. Change is good!! Keeps you interested and excited. Go for it!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

  6. Congrats on the upcoming changes and, frankly, I think your blog is a lot more than zombies anyway. Can't wait Man. I gotta say I loved the ukelele scene in "The Jerk!" So I love your video clip.

  7. I'm a believer that the only thing that doesn't change is change itself. And the one who doesn't change gets stalled. So if you feel it's time for you, don't hesitate and take the chance! I did check your store and I do believe you have pretty cool stuff there. I am not a zombie fan and I am here. That's a lot to say. I think I'll follow. :D I wish you success. :)

  8. quite new follower here but I like your stuff, so one blog, 2 blogs, three blogs... :)

  9. You don't want to be like one of those writers who are stuck writing what they've always written just because it sells! Do whatever blogging meets your needs. I'm sure you are interesting enough with whatever you do that you'll still have many followers.

  10. its a complicated world, i understand wanting to simplify =)
    dont know how you do it!

  11. I think this is wonderful and you know I will go where ever you do.


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.