Getting to Know You, Well Really it's about me...

I Don't Make Monkeys... I Train Them!
So I have some great friends here in the world, more friends on the internet than in real life... so is that a good thing? I got the chance to interviewed by my very lovely friend "Britnie" @ It's On Random", she wanted to know about me and I was pleased to share more of me. Cause you all know I love to share stuff about me, in case you didn't know I am more than happy to tell you some of my highlights... you just need to ask.

And it's Friday and we in Illinois prepare for a snow storm I will most likely be playing my new "Nightmare Before Christmas Monopoly" game and watching season 4 of "NBC's Chuck" again as the last season ends this month [sad]. 
So make the best of it, weekend!
-Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]

Last thing... If you didn't know I am switching over my review site "TWO THUMBS" over to more of score/soundtrack site with the hopes to bring more interviews with Composers, Film Directors and Actors/Actresses... so please stop over and see some of the changes. 

Last thing, thing... why the monkeys? go over to "It's On Random" to find out....


  1. that is one funky looking monkey. lol.

  2. I love my Nightmare Before Christmas Monopoly!

  3. Didn't know about your other site.....

  4. You have a great site! I'll have fun looking through all you posts and eye-catching graphics. :)

  5. Funniest thing I've read tonight in a blog! "I don't MAKE monkeys, I train them." lol! I haven't gone to It's on Random yet to find out what it means, but it sure sounds like more fun than a barrel of it a barrel of monkeys? lol.
    We are recovering from a snow storm here in western Canada..good luck with Monopoly..I think it's the preferred game of weatherers of storms the world over!

  6. A great posting my friend, by the way I enjoyed
    participating in your A to Z Challenge, though I didn't actually take part officially and instead just joined in to support my friends that did :) I sort of took a fast journey through A to Z and so completed the challenge in just 10 days but it was certainly a lot of fun nonetheless and I think that next year I will enter officially. I did link back to your Space with the A to Z logo so I hope that this idea generated some traffic your way :) Have a fine Tuesday and keep up the most excellent work, your Space is brilliant :)

    WordPress (sorry it would not add my url)



[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.