CassaStorm: A Storm is About to Break!

It's great to have a trailer, it's really cool when you know the person that has the trailer for their newest release and I am proud to share this with you. You know him and you love him "Alex J. Cavanaugh" and his soon to be coming third in the series "CassaStorm"... this is his trailer! Nice Job!



Did you know that Alex has a t-shirt, his own personalized "NINJA ARMY" shirt and you know who had a hand in it... don't you? You guessed it was me and the I don't think you have all gotten one yet, you see I know cause I am psychic. So I want you all to "click here" and show your support and the love to Alex and myself...

So let's enjoy Alex's Trailer to his new book, click on over to get a shirt and finally have a great holiday... I will be back on Monday with some news of my own and a giveaway. 

So Stay Tuned In!
-Jeremy [Retro] 

Check out the latest reviews, music and scores/soundtracks at Howlin' Wolf: OLM... Or last but not least visit My "NEATORAMA" Store at Jeremy Hawkins there is always something going on and it is one click away!


  1. It is a great trailer - makes a difference when it's professionally done. (I've seen 1 or 2 that made my toes curl with embarrassment for the author.)

  2. Jeremy, you are the man!! Proud to call you my friend. Have an awesome Fourth of July and weekend. Ready to spread your awesome news as well.

  3. Way to go to support a friend, Jeremy. And best of sales to Alex. Great trailer, too!!

  4. Awesome trailer and cool T-shirt Alex is the man.

  5. Speaking of storm, the Internet will explode when Alex starts his book tour. It will be epic!

  6. They did a nice job with the trailer. Short and sweet. And I do believe it's time for my Ninja Army know why.

  7. I love that trailer. Actually all the three of them. Amazing job. :)

  8. Jeremy dude,

    Ah yes, I saw that caravan, um, that trailer for Alex's book. And just like you, I left a comment on YouTube.

    I'm sure you will do well with the T-shirt sales. What I can do is take the liberty of sharing your posting. Yep, even on Farcebook!

    A good Sunday to you, my friend.


  9. Cool trailer and cannot wait for the book. Also...had to go and order a shirt just cuz!


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.