Schlock, a prehistoric apeman who falls in love with a teenage blind beauty and terrorizes her Southern California suburb. Schlock is no ordinary simian; he possesses some very unusual skills. Among other things, he plays the piano and gives TV interviews. In this hysterical spoof of early monster movies and missing-link science fiction films, John Landis pays homage to the monster movies of the past with irreverent humor and wacky hijinks.
-Jeremy [Retro]
HA! Now I will have to go find this to watch.
ReplyDeleteYou got me with this one - never heard of it.
ReplyDeleteI was in a blissful ignorance about this one till today... emphasis on blissful.... :)
ReplyDelete{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}
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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 I've never heard of this but anything that's compared to Mel Brooks and Woody Allen must be pretty good.}
Throughout my 47 years here on planet Earth, I have seen a hell of a lot of films, but this one has eluded my ever-prying eyes...until now. You see, now I have to see this movie. I must. Thanx for the write-up and for piquing my interest.
ReplyDeleteSee ya 'round the web. All Things Kevyn