A to Z Challenge Reflections Post...

Real People, Real Comments... A to Z!
I wanted to thank everyone, everyone for their comments and in honor of all those wonderful comments I give you the stand out responses that caught my eye [some raised eyebrow]. Now this doesn't mean your comment did not warm my heart, I appreciate them all... this is a reflection. So join with me and reflect, ahhhh reflection.

A special thank you to Kate @ "Suddenly Kate Show" for her great consistence "Who the heck are you talking about" in this letter "versus" challenge.  The whole challenge was great, it's hard to believe that it is all ready over and it's May 7th... Cannot wait to see what will happen in 2013!

I am a survivor!
-Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]


  1. It was an awesome Challenge this year!

  2. Looks like I missed a good time by not visiting your blog in April. But I'm stalking you now, so it shan't happen again. ;-)

    Some Dark Romantic

  3. I am just sorry I didn't get to your blog until the challenge was well under way. I will have to make time to go back and start yours at the beginning. IT was great fun this year.

  4. It was awesome! See you again next year :)

  5. I'm tickled you picked one of my comments, bro! It sure's been a fun ride...glad to have had my big bro with me to keep me from freaking out when "It's a Small World After All" got all creepy...
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

  6. Your A to Z was priceless. You could do the exact same thing in 2013 and there would be much rejoicing.

    Elizabeth Twist: Writer, Plague Enthusiast

  7. Your theme was one of my favorites. Thanks, Jeremy!

  8. You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey.

    I laughed every day.
    I hope that's what you were going for.

  9. Late to the party, as usual! Our paths didn't cross during the challenge - but now I know where you are...!

    Nice idea, to add a selection of comments :-)

    SueH I refuse to go quietly!
    Twitter - @Librarymaid

  10. I loved your theme. I missed a few days so I'm going to have to revisit them, and I look forward to your future posts. :)

  11. I didn't make it to everybody, but enjoyed the challenge just the same.

  12. I became slightly addicted and like a fool came back everyday to not recognise anyone all over again! It was a fun first time joining the challenge.

  13. Thanks for all the badges, Jeremy. Art work is something I always like to see on blogs, images are good. Will be dropping in now and again. It's always interesting here.

    I like the take on the reflections: a slice of the moment via comments

    Remember to drop by MPax's site today. She's got news... about a scifi book.

  14. Reading those comments has me kicking myself even harder that I wasn't out & about more during the challenge. :( I can't believe I'm delving back in A to Z because now I've just GOT to see what your posts were about...I caught some Chuck references...

  15. I missed your blog over the challenge too. Will go and re-read some posts as soon as I get time. Too many blogs, too little time!

  16. I enjoyed the articles I read, Jeremy! Love the new look here.

    Can I whine now? I was supportive, even though I was an unofficial A-Z. How come I can't have a A-Z supporter badge? Huh, huh?

  17. What a neat little reflection post! I remember the Zombie versus post but you had another...maybe the Repo Man one, I think, that was quite funny.

    My Recent blogging: 2012 A to Z Reflections of The Madlab Post
    Also socializing @MadlabPost on Twitter

  18. What a neat little reflection post! I remember the Zombie versus post but you had another...maybe the Repo Man one, I think, that was quite funny.

    My Recent blogging: 2012 A to Z Reflections of The Madlab Post
    Also socializing @MadlabPost on Twitter

  19. That was different. Thanks Jeremy for all of your great contributions to this year's A to Z Challenge. You helped make it extra special.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  20. Awesome A-Z - wish I could have been around for more of it! Cheers!

  21. What a unique way to reflect...course now I feel mine was WAY too self centered...
    Thanks for sharing!

  22. I'm still unsure about my Willow decision... Willow the Dark Witch did flay that guy alive in one swipe, though.

  23. Retro-Z, thanks for all your "behind the scenes" hard work! Especially the badges/banners... awesome!

  24. what a great way to do your reflection post! love it

  25. Love your reflection post - now that was the way to do it!

  26. Great reflective post. I love these because now I can visit a lot of the blogs that I never got around to during the challenge! I'm also enjoying the "what I learned or how I did it" information.

    Here's to 2013!

  27. I wish I had stopped by at least once during the challenge. I was too busy chasing blogs I didn't know. But I did use two of your badges, though a blog critic told me just today to get rid of most of my buttons, so I did. They were cool, though. Thanks. And thanks for dropping by today and commenting! Always appreciated!!

    Nancy S. Thompson
    "The hell of revenge -
    the hope of redemption"

  28. Thanks for stopping by. The challenge was a blast! Loved all the comments and wish I had stopped by earlier. Better late than never! I took a survivor badge, very fancy!

  29. How clever are you to post such an interesting Reflections Post! I thought that I did visit during the Challenge, but I must not of, so I shall say Hi Now!

  30. I loved reading this reflection post. That's a great collection of comments.

    Thank you for your work as one of the hosts.

  31. What a great idea to share your favorite comments!


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.