Top 10 TV Shows Blogfest!

These are in no way in any sort of order of favorites, cause I just couldn't. This is part of "" to find the best television shows out there... or at least what I like...

01. The Incredible Hulk [don't make me angry]
02. Chuck [super-duper spy]
03. Tales Of The Gold Monkey [what happen to the dog's eye?]
04. The Twilight Zone [serve man]
05. The X-Files [spooky]
06. American Gothic [someone's at the door]
07. Star Trek: The Next Generation [make it so]
08. Antiques Roadshow [diggin' the old stuff]
09. Delta House [short lived]
10. Press Your Luck [no whammies....]


  1. Great list. I had such a hard time narrowing mine down! Love your blog agent is in love with zombies!

  2. Trek and X-Files seem to be very popular today! And I like Chuck as well.
    Thanks for participating in the blogfest!

  3. Love Chuck and Antiques Roadshow. Good choices!

  4. I do love Chuck. It's fun to see a super nerd's dreams come true!

  5. Big money. some overlap in our lists.

  6. I can't believe how many Trekkies are out there in the blogger world! American Gothic - great show! It slipped my mind completely. X-Files, however, is on it. LOVED that show! Good list!

  7. Oh, I'm glad you have Chuck on your list. I think Chuck is premiering tonight, isn't it?


  8. I chose The Anique Road Show and I know Star Trek and the X files.
    The others I learned about your excellent writing about them/


  9. What a super-cool list. I watched The Incredible Hulk as a child and it always made me sad. Who wouldn't start crying when that piano theme tune started playing?

  10. Those whammies used to scare me when I was little. So did The Incredible Hulk, but for different reasons.

  11. You're the second person I've found who listed "The Antique Road Show". That's a pretty unique choice there. I hadn't thought of that program but I used to watch it regularly years ago.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  12. You're the second person I've found who listed "The Antique Road Show". That's a pretty unique choice there. I hadn't thought of that program but I used to watch it regularly years ago.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  13. Oh my gosh!! Tales of the Golden Monkey!! That's taking me way back. Loved Chuck too! Great choices :)
    W.I.P. It: A Writer's Journey

  14. A few that I like, a few that I've never seen, and a few that I've never heard of.

    Tossing It Out

  15. i haven't seen many of yours, but picard is the man!

  16. Yeah, XFiles!! And Tales of the Gold Monkey - I'd totally forgetten about that show.

  17. A couple of these are intriguing. I've never seen American Gothic, but it sounds like it oughta be good. Tales of the Gold Monkey, too...

  18. I used to yell, No whammies" in my childhood. A lot!

  19. Make it so! I'm a huge TNG & X-Files fan :)

  20. Yay for more Star Trek love! That was a favorite in high school; my best friend and I used to call each other and watch it "together". LOL!

  21. American Gothic! I didn't see it when it was on television, but my hubby was hooked. So I bought him a complete set of DVDs. We had a 'fest of Gothic and I seriously couldn't stop watching it. We stayed up until all freakin' hours trying to get to the end (but of course that's too much to watch in one day so we finished it in three). Love some Sam Raimi!

  22. Oh, great list! The Twilight Zone seems to be on a lot of people's top choices.

  23. I love the x-files, but man some of those shows just creep me out like nothing else.

  24. I love the variety in your list!
    Antique Road Show is fun; One never knows, hang onto the family heirlooms~


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.