the WALKING DEAD is Coming... are you ready? @walkrstalkrcon

So what are your plans for the weekend? This week I am preparing for my great trip and adventure this weekend for "WALKER-STALKER CON" where the popular show has a grand following. This time last year, I just broke my ankle and was unable to attend. I am looking forward to bringing you all some great photos, maybe some of the celebrities and video... I am not too sure. 

So have a great week coming and may your dead, stay dead... if you watch the show you know what I am talking about.
-Jeremy [Retro]


I am everywhere: TWITTER, FACEBOOK, HOWLIN’ WOLF: OLM and HBA [HORROR SITES]. Last visit MY T-SHIRTS STORE at NEATORAMA something always going on and it is one click away!


  1. the last episode of TWS was so helplessly and desperately boring that I'm afraid they've ruined the show for good....

  2. You are going to have an awesome time, my friend!

  3. Sounds like some weird fun.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  4. Just turned off by the series now as favourite characters are being buried


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.