A to Z Challenge: TEAM [2015]

Can you believe the time has moved so quickly and so much has happened in 2014... now we are releasing the Host's names for the A TO Z CHALLENGE that will be part of 2015. I am currently on the list as a CO-Host, but life, loss and love is hitting me harder than I can manage... I hope to pull out of the darkness before it all begins. So I want you all to head over to the Challenge's site and take a look, see your friends and me gear up for the new year.
-Jeremy [Retro]


I am everywhere: TWITTER, FACEBOOK, HOWLIN’ WOLF: OLM and HBA [HORROR SITES]. Last visit MY T-SHIRTS STORE at NEATORAMA something always going on and it is one click away!


  1. You will beat it! Dude, no one else is allowed to do our graphics but you. And honored to serve on the team another year with you.
    Audiomachine - nice!

  2. love and loss? Hope you and missus aren't having problems, J-man!

  3. I hope things get better for you! I'll be hopping over to see who the new team members are. :)


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.