QUICK UPDATE: Until Further Notice!

I will be out for awhile, I am sorry... hopefully you guys will be here when I get back... Let's say I am stuck in the Matrix for sometime.... if you know me, then you know this is tough and it's not like me to leave so suddenly!

Sorry Friends/followers,
-Jeremy [Retro]


I am everywhere: TWITTER, FACEBOOK, HOWLIN’ WOLF: OLM and HBA [HORROR SITES]. Last visit MY T-SHIRTS STORE at NEATORAMA something always going on and it is one click away!


  1. We understand! We'll hold down the fort. Don't worry about it, Dude.

  2. Take it easy. We'll still be here when you get back.

  3. oh, noes! I hope it's not about health, J-man :(

  4. So sorry Jeremy. We'll see you soon.

  5. Jeremy, I know how it is when life jumps you out of the blue. Your friends will still be here when you come back. I am one who will be on the look out for your return. Drop me an email if you like. I am here. Battered, bruised, and weary -- but here for you. :-)

  6. I feel your pain...I've had some tuff times lately myself.
    Best of luck to you!

  7. Yup we will be here. Just make sure you bring some goodies back when you escape the Matrix ;)

    Be well!

    #atozchallenge Co-Host
    The Madlab Post

  8. Oh no! Hope you'll be back soon! We'll be here :)

  9. Nice to meet you,Jeremy! I popped over to snag your A to Z letters for the upcoming challenge, but I can't seem to locate the downloads per the directions found on the Whenever you return to Blogosphere, perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me how I might find this to use for my blog posts in April. Thanks so much!

  10. Hang in there. We'll be here when you get back.

  11. Take it easy, Jeremy. We all have these challenges from time to time. Sayin' a prayer for you.


[Retro] Love the Comments, not so much the Spam... so I have enough man-pills, fake gold watches and link-back options that I need. Thank you!

No More Anonymous Monkeys to much of the above mentioned, sorry sometimes I get some nice things.